
in spite of



in spite of为中学词汇

近义词, 同义词

1. The low attendance is in spite of commitments they made at the outset of the program when Hyde officials interviewed 300 families.

2. He remained imperturbable in spite of the hysteria and panic all around him.
    尽管他周围的人歇斯底里地惊慌失措, 但他仍保持冷静。

3. She continued to work in a blithe spirit in spite of all difficulties.

4. She works so hard in spite of her illness: she´s a marvel!
    她带病努力工作, 真是难能可贵!

5. "In spite of everything my health remains excellent," he wrote.

6. In spite of all the discomforts the Curies worked on.

7. In spite of this, she often appears on the stage as a young girl.

8. In spite of this, she often appears on the stage as a young girl.

9. In spite of this, the Italians regarded him as a sort of hero.

10. In spite of this, some people----including myself----were surprised by a recent exhibition of modern sculpture.
